"The show rises or falls with its title character, who is on stage for virtually the entire evening, usually doing of feeling or enduring something strenuous. It would be hard to imagine a more physically radiant or vocally secure Susannah than SUZAN HANSON. Her character, who sets in motion a cyclone of accusation and recrimination by bathing naked in a remote creek, is called upon to negotiate a long journey in a short time – from young and guileless to bitter and jaded. HANSON made this trip with an almost perfect sense of dramatic increment.

And her two main vocal pieces – the celestial "Ain’t it a Pretty Night", and the mock folk tune "The Trees on the Mountains" –were stunning. When the preacher, the Rev. Olin Blitch, arrives a moment later and says "That’s mighty pretty singin’, Susannah" there were murmurs of affirmation in the house."

Steve Metcalf - The Hartford Courant