“Suzan Hanson, as Agnes, was an absolute delight in this production. As a classically trained soprano who has performed in operas and musicals in many places she is certainly no stranger to this level of role. But it is still hard to be one of only two people on stage, to be in a role that shows a character grow from a young woman into an elderly woman, and from a happy newlywed to a frustrated spouse who has been cheated on. Hanson handled all of these twists and turns with grace and dignity, and her golden voice handled it with such grace that I wanted to just listen to her sing over and over again. I was also impressed every time there was a change in her hair or makeup to reveal a change in age, because Hanson also changed her mannerisms to reveal that she was committed to that change in age within her acting prowess. Having just seen her in another UFOMT production, 33 Variations, I am not surprised by this level of acting capability, but I am impressed that she can do it so seemingly effortlessly.
Maren Scriven, Utah Theater Bloggers Association